Flick over the pages of our new SOSnews 2022 on web

The newest issue of SOSnews 2022 is already in electronic form on our website in 5 languages. Please take a look.

You can read in the newest issue of SOSnews

Flick over the pages of our new SOSnews 2022 on  web


  • War at Our Door
  • Your Trust Will Be Rewarded
  • EXPO 2020 Dubai. Technologies that will take your breath away


  • Battery-Driven Cellular IoT Sensors with Quectel BC66 and Sensirion SHT4x 


  • SEAK: Up To 40% Savings on Lighting Without Reducing Its Quality and Intensity Is a Matter Of Course Today 


  • J. Jarábek: The Situation on the Market with Materials Needed for Components Production Remains Dynamic


  • 3 Sensirion sensors in one - a combined solution for air quality sensing
  • Compact Barometric Pressure Sensor for Smart Electronics from TE 
  • Stainless Steel Panel PC With IP69K Coverage


  • L. Rybár: The Security of Data and Information About Customers Is Our Number One Priority


  • The Future of Technology in Medicine

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