Flick over the pages of our new SOSnews 1/2023 on web

The newest issue of SOSnews 2023 is already in electronic form on our website in 5 languages. Please take a look.

Flick over the pages of our new SOSnews 1/2023 on web

You can read in the newest issue of SOSnews:


  • SOS electronic Is a Stable Partner Even During the Recession


  • New brands in SOS electronic


  • The Specialist Recommends: Voltcraft Testers, Data Loggers and Multimeters
  • Solve HMI with Wi-Fi Modules for uniTFT Displays
  • Your Robot Will See Better with LIDAR
  • Get to Know Gas Sensors by SGX Sensortech 
  • Communicate Through 5G + WiFi6E + GNSS With 9 in 1 Antenna 
  • Transition From SHT3 to SHT4 – Comparison of Sensirion Humidity
  • High-voltage Latching Contactor for High Current with Low Consumption 
  • Meet the New Generation of UNI-T Multimeters 
  • Neutrik Connectors 2: Get to Know the Power Connectors from powerCON
  • Rohde & Schwarz MXO 4. A New Generation Oscilloscope
  • Five Useful Wiha Pliers for Every Workshop
  • Quectel EG800Q-EU. LTE Module for Even Greater Flexibility of IoT Applications


  •  New product introduction

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