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Cerca risultati in video per categoria "Componenti elettromeccanici"

About MEC

About MEC

MEC Switches (APEM Group) is a leading manufacturer of high quality switches with sales worldwide. Standard product offering can be adapted to meet customers specific needs.

Schurter MSM LA Series

Schurter MSM LA Series

Metal line anti-vandal switches.

More than 100 new active tips for each soldering joint

More than 100 new active tips for each soldering joint

The largest Weller product range expansion includes three soldering handles and more than 100 tips with active heating, suitable for microscopic work to solder coolers and LEDs on PCB with aluminum base. 3 active tip series for maximum precision, power, and performance.

Online configurator for PTFIX distribution blocks

Online configurator for PTFIX distribution blocks

You can now easily configure the new distribution blocks PTFIX from Phoenix Contact for potential distribution. A simple menu, 2D and 3D product images, and intuitive user interfaces allow you to configure your distribution blocks with just a few clicks

About TE Connectivity

About TE Connectivity

In 2016, TE celebrated 75 years of leading connectivity. Their influence, ingenuity, and innovation continually advance connectivity, helping customers make yesterday's impossible real.

Panel feed - through terminal block Euroclamp

Panel feed - through terminal block Euroclamp

Spring-cage screwless terminal block Euroclamp

Spring-cage screwless terminal block Euroclamp

Multi-deck terminal block Euroclamp

Multi-deck terminal block Euroclamp

Dual row plug-in connector Euroclamp

Dual row plug-in connector Euroclamp

Keystone´s battery products overview

Keystone´s battery products overview

Broad selection of battery clips, contacts, holders and straps designed with leading edge technology in mind to accommodate all major manufacturers' battery cells and the latest chemistries.

QPD Installation System Phoenix Contact

QPD Installation System Phoenix Contact

Thanks to the proven QUICKON IDC displacement connection, cables of up to 5 x 6.0 mm? can be connected quickly and easily, without the need for stripping or special tools. The connection time can be reduced by up to 80%.

WAGO 221 Series Lever Connectors

WAGO 221 Series Lever Connectors

Pull the lever up, insert a conductor and push the lever back down – done. WAGO's 221 Series Splicing Connector has always connected solid, stranded and fine-stranded conductors easily, quickly and safely. 221 Series now connects conductor cross-sections from 0.5 to 6 mm? (20–10 AWG) for greater versatility.

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