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Cerca risultati in video per categoria "Moduli di comunicazione"

Moduli di comunicazione

WiMOD LR_Studio (LoRa) - Introduction

WiMOD LR_Studio (LoRa) - Introduction

The WiMOD LR Studio is a Windows application which allows to explore the capabilities of the IMST LoRa module, an ultra-low-power, high-performance, pre-certified Long Range radio module. The Windows GUI offers a comfortable way to configure and control the features of the embedded WiMOD Radio Stack.

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

The demanding "deep dive" training for serial port experts was held on September 5, 2018. If you could not attend, we offer you a recording.

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Here you can find a brief overview of the WIZ750SR series, its practical operation and a few valuable pieces of advice and tips on how to work with S2E (Serial to Ethernet) converters.

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway (LGW) into the Things Network server in 5min

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

Recording of the IQRF webinar. Speaker Mr.Simon Chudoba from IQRF introduced the IoT Starter Kit (IQRF + Up Board) in his presentation. We looked at LoRa, Sigfox, or Zigbee from IQRF technology. In addition to case studies from Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Building, we showed you a practical demonstrations by Ivona Spurná, as well.

Buďte pripravení na 5G s 2J3757M

Buďte pripravení na 5G s 2J3757M

Nová anténa od spoločnosti 2J je vyvinutá priamo pre toto pásmo.

Quectel BG96 CatM/NBIoT Video Demo

Quectel BG96 CatM/NBIoT Video Demo

BG96 is a series of LTE Cat M1/NB1, EGPRS module. offering a maximum data rate of 375 kbps downlink and uplink. It features ultra low power consumption and provides pin to pin compatibility with Quectel LTE, NB IoT, UMTS/HSPA and GSM/GPRS modules.



There are more ways how to approach wireless mesh network algorithm. Learn how IQMESH operates and why IQRF networks are so robust and reliable.

Connecting the WIZnet W7500 board to cloud

Connecting the WIZnet W7500 board to cloud

Example of possible cloud solution

Espressif IoT chip

Espressif IoT chip

ESP32 tutorial with Arduino and comparison to ESP8266

Lantronix Xport Pro

Lantronix Xport Pro

The worlds smallest Linux networking server.

SGX 5150 IoT Device Gateway

SGX 5150 IoT Device Gateway

Highly secure WiFi gateway.

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