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TECHNEXION - Android Things Development Board by TechNexion

TechNexion shows the Android Things ARM Powered development platform designed to enable energy-efficient, secure and portable applications for Google's Internet of Things ecosystem strategy. The development platforms provide hardware that developers need to speed up their IoT projects on the Android Things platform as well as onto other supported platforms such as Ubuntu, Debian, Yocto Project, regular Android and more. TechNexion also continues to build on its complete lineup of System on Modules designed for modular, versatile, scalable and low-power applications that can be easily integrated into other devices for all types of IoT development.

Video dei produttori

Let us introduce TechNexion PICO-PI-IMX8M-MINI development kit

Let us introduce TechNexion PICO-PI-IMX8M-MINI development kit

See what modules kit contains, how easy is to flash demo image to the kit and answers to interesting questions.

TechNexion Factory Tour

TechNexion Factory Tour

TechNexion is a design and manufacturing company showing in this video its engineering team, that designs IoT smart devices, development boards for the needs of projects like the ARM powered Android Things ecosystem by Google or Amazon Alexa Voice-Recognition development platform and its advanced manufacturing capabilities. In the video, we get a direct glimpse of how ARM modules and systems are designed and how much automation is being utilized in a smart SMT factory. The video tour takes you through all production stages from the module design to SMT manufacturing to post production functional testing. The factory churns out up to 250K PCBA per month. Filmed on location at the TechNexion factory in Taipei, Taiwan in June 2017.

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