Ord.number: | 42634 |
Availability | 2 pcs in stock |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Allowed ordering quantities: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Category: | Soldering Stations |
Product info: | Stock type |
Manufacturer (Brand): | WELLER |
Alternative components: | Show |
Related / complementary products: | Show |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Allowed ordering quantities: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Category: | Soldering Stations |
Product info: | Stock type |
Manufacturer (Brand): | WELLER |
Alternative components: | Show |
Related / complementary products: | Show |
The prices are exl. VAT. Prices for items, which are not held in our stock can be different from indicated ones. We guarantee prices only for in-stock quantity.
Spájkovacia stanica WS 81 s výkonom 80W patrí do rodiny vyvinutej pre použitie v priemyselnej výrobe a servisoch. Analógový riadiaci systém zaručuje optimálny riadiaci výkon pri rozličných spájkovacích nástrojoch. Topné telesá sú napájané napätím 24V a vyznačujú sa vynikajúcimi dynamickými vlastnosťami. Teplotu hrotu je možné nastaviť v rozmedzí 150-450°C otočným potenciometrom. Vysoký štandard zariadenia dopĺňa antistatické prevedenie a možnosť vyrovnania potenciálov. WS 81 sa dodáva s rúčkou WSP80 s hrotom LT B a stojanom KH20.
Digital Soldering Station ESD 90W + WTP90 + WSR200 + XNT A
1 pcs+ 204 703,88 Ft
5 pcs+ 200 535,25 Ft
1 pcs+ 172 877,98 Ft
5 pcs+ 169 390,76 Ft
Soldering equipment WELLER
Soldering Irons and Solder Guns
Soldering Iron LR21 with Tip LT-M
Soldering Irons and Solder Guns
Accessory WELLER
Accessories and Spare Parts for Soldering tools
Soldering Iron 24V 80W
Soldering Irons and Solder Guns
Soldering Tip Chisel D4,6mm, 1,2x0,4mm, L13mm
Weller has introduced two revolutionary, small tabletop units for solder fume extraction that are extremely easy to operate, powerful, and suitable for many soldering workstations. Discover the Zero Smog Shield Pro series from Weller in our selection. (reading for 3 minutes)
Now even you can afford the best, what´s available on the field of soldering and service.
Soldering, deslodering, hot-air works but also a record of your work in a PC – this is the Weller WXR 3031.