GEEHY - Geehy company - IoT chip products and solutions | SOS electronic

Technology touching the edge of innovation looking forward and moving forward.

SOS electronic introduces Geehy company. The company provides high-quality and reliable IoT chip products and solutions, realizing technological progress and improving people's living standards.

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'Vídeos del fabricante

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy Simple and clear instructions, first steps with Geehy MCU. How to use an open-source SW development tools for Geehy APM32 microcontrollers in the 64-bit Windows 10 operating system? Watch the video Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Geehy semiconductors | SOS electronic

Geehy semiconductors | SOS electronic

Geehy semiconductors | Geehy Semiconductor is an IC design company that specializes in industrial and automotive-grade microprocessors. The company develops industrial & automotive-grade microcontrollers, high-performance analog chips, and SoCs. With 20 years of IC design experience and embedded system capability, it can provide customers with core reliable chip products and solutions. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

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