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Vídeos de SOS

4D Systems - 4D ViSi

4D Systems - 4D ViSi

4D-Visi is the perfect software tool that allows the user to see instant representation of their desired graphical layout for a 4D display module. 4D- ViSi has a selection of inbuilt dials, gauges and meters that can simply be dragged and dropped onto the simulated module display allowing the user to easily layout their design. Without needing to download the application code every time to see a change, each item has properties that can be edited and at the click of a button, all relevant code is produced in the user program.

Welcome to the future made of glass!

Welcome to the future made of glass!

Slow down, put your feet up and enjoy the short trip to the future of electronic age :) Produced by Corning Incorporated.

DREMEL VersaTip 2000

DREMEL VersaTip 2000

One tool for 6 different applications: soldering, melting, hot cutting, welding, shrinking and woodburning (pyrography) Always ready to use Use anywhere anytime Allows for detailed and intricate work Long lifetime

Rohde & Schwarz / Hameg Oscilloscopes - EEVblog #207

Rohde & Schwarz / Hameg Oscilloscopes - EEVblog #207

Dave caught up with Richard Popple from Rohde & Schwarz to talk about the new Hameg oscilloscopes, the Hameg acquisition, and the Rohde & Schwarz Scope of the Art oscilloscopes.

Quectel M10 GPRS modem GPRS Server hyperterminal test

Quectel M10 GPRS modem GPRS Server hyperterminal test

A Quectel M10 GPRS modem used as a server. My Zte Blade connects to it to deliver some text which is displayed on hyperterminal. http://sunbizhosting.co.uk/~spiral/blog/

SOS electronic - Elosys 2011

SOS electronic - Elosys 2011

Apacer Industrial

Apacer Industrial

FTDI Vinculum-II Webcam Application

FTDI Vinculum-II Webcam Application

FTDI VINCO Voltmeter demo

FTDI VINCO Voltmeter demo



Atmel XMEGA overview.

Voipac i.MX51 SODIMM SBC with OS Linux Android WinCE6.0

Voipac i.MX51 SODIMM SBC with OS Linux Android WinCE6.0

200pin SODIMM sized industrial SBC with i.MX515 800MHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU from Freescale and higher-than-competition maximum memory configurations available with the schematic of the Single Board Computer.

Freescale i.MX25 SODIMM SBC with Android2.3 Gingerbread

Freescale i.MX25 SODIMM SBC with Android2.3 Gingerbread

Freescale i.MX25 SODIMM format industrial PC from Voipac Technologies running Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

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