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WINSTAR - Winstar Company Introduction | SOS electronic

Winstar brand products are distributed with pride by SOS electronic company. Winstar Display Co. Ltd stands as a prominent manufacturer of TFT, OLED, LCD, VATN, and various other standard and customized displays. Established in 1998, the company has evolved into a leading force in the production of small and medium-sized displays.

Winstar brand products are distributed with pride by SOS electronic company.

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'Vídeos del fabricante

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications | SOS electronic

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications | SOS electronic

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications The WEO128128B belongs to the COG structure OLED display category, characterized by its incredibly slim profile and self-illuminating properties, eliminating the need for a backlight. It's designed to be lightweight and consume minimal power. This circular OLED module proves to be an excellent fit for a wide range of applications, including portable instruments, wearable devices, and various home applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Winstar OLED Displays  | SOS electronic

Winstar OLED Displays | SOS electronic

Winstar OLED Displays Character OLED displays have indeed been on the market for decades, but there has been a significant shift in this area in recent years as more and more customers use their OLED alternative. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

About Winstar

About Winstar

Winstar Display has factories with 1,500 employees in Taiwan, China and oversea branches. As a professional LCD panel, OLED Panel, LCD module, TFT display and OLED display manufacturer & supplier, they specialize in Chip-On-Board (COB), Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Chip-On-Glass (COG), Tape-Automated-Bonding (TAB) and OLED display technologies.

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