Product Serie page - all related products at one place

This page shows all related products. Since their key features are the same, they belong to one family respectively to one series. For example, they differ only in the number of connector pins in the enclosure colour or the input voltage.
This is an archive article published 01/11/2021. Some information may no longer be up to date and in line with the current state. Please contact us in case of interest.

A selected series of products are briefly presented at the beginning of the new micro page (text and image). This is followed by the filters that help you choose what you need from this series. Finally, there is a list of products belonging to the selected series.

See examples of some of our product series:

You can find a link to the page of a specific products series in our articles, newsletters, or even advertisements. Of course, you can also get to it through our Assortment offer if you click deep enough.

This way, we want to present our products range much more comprehensively so that you can choose the product that best suits your needs in your application.

We believe that the new pages with product families will make your work in our e-shop easier and more pleasant. 

We will be happy to respond to your comments and suggestions at

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