Ord.number: | 75449 |
Availability | 1 pcs in stock |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Allowed ordering quantities: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Category: | Multi-core Cables |
Product info: | Stock type |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Allowed ordering quantities: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Category: | Multi-core Cables |
Product info: | Stock type |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
The prices are exl. VAT. Prices for items, which are not held in our stock can be different from indicated ones. We guarantee prices only for in-stock quantity.
USB 2.0 kábel certifikovaný Konštrukcia1 pár AWG28 (7 x 0,127 mm) biely a zelený (dáta), izolácia HDPE2 vodiče AWG24 (7 x 0,20 mm) červený a čierny (napájanie), izolácia SR-PVC1 doplnkový vodič (7 x 0,16 mm)tieniaca fólia AL/mylartieniace opletenie, pocínovaná meď vonkajší plášť PVC 4,7mm (+/-0,15mm) Technické dáta:237,2 Ohm/km AWG2889 Ohm/km AWG24Izolácia min. 100MOhm x kmKapacita max.66nF/km (10kHz)Max. pracovné napätie: 30VIzolačné napätie: 500Vac/1 min.Impedancia: 90 Ohm(+/-15%)
Traco Power’s latest POL switching regulators offer more than just impressive efficiency and reliable performance. They’re also designed to help you cut material and manufacturing costs.
A cleaner that removes grease, oils, dirt, blood, nicotine, food residues, and other tough stains from any washable surface can still be safe for both your equipment and the environment.