New affordable soldering fumes exhausting station from Weller will provide you clean air on your workplace.
Today more and more applications require high data rate transmission. LTE modules can be found not only e.g. in trucks but more and more vehicles are connected through LTE modules to the service centers and sends data for vehicle manufacturers to avoid damages and help new product development.
The number of UHF RFID applications is rising exponentially. SOS electronic has a new partner for UHF RFID products with a comprehensive product line and deep expertise in UHF RFID
Make your job easier with top-class sprays with high purity and yield. Suitable chemistry can considerably extend the life and reliability of your equipment.
Myrra adds more power, 7.5W and 10W AC/DC converters for PCB mounting with 3.3-24VDC output voltage now available.
If you are looking for a powerful BLE module capable of a standalone operation, probably the MBH7BLZ0X module is the right choice for you.
Fluke announced a revolutionary wireless connectivity for DMMs and smartphones or PCs which can be used for data collection purposes.
The R&S Scope Rider combines five instruments in a compact package, and the rugged design makes the instrument perfect for mobile installation jobs and maintenance activities.
The common denominator of these seemingly unrelated numbers is Pizzaworkshop Quectel. 68 developers from the 4 countries met with representatives Quectel in 7 cities to have „hand on“ training with EC20 LTE modules.
As an expression of support for the presidency of Netherlands in Council of the European Union, SOS electronic extends its stock by orange connectors.
The TDN5WI Series sets a new level of the power density in high performance DC/DC converter class.
Apacer Technology Inc., well known as manufacturer of industrial SSD solutions offers also consumer grade microSD memory cards. Such cards are perfectly suitable for devices like mobile phones, tablets and digital still cameras.