Custom designs from Euroclamp, the manufacturer of terminals blocks, allow you to better meet your technical requirements and to be unique on the market.
Patented 2in1 solution for power and signal connection from Euroclamp. Euroclamp has announced the combined MDX154-5-PZ terminal block. Combination of power connection units + signals in one terminal block only.
Euroclamp (aka Euro) is strengthening its position in SOS electronic portfolio. Terminal Blocks of the MV, MVE, MVS, ML and MI series are available in a huge amount of versions and sizes, therefore you´ll certainly find a suitable type for you in here.
Connectors of the PV, SV and SH series are available in a huge amount of versions and sizes, that´s why you´ll certainly find here a suitable type for you.
Series of enclosures CEMxx in versions for horizontal and vertical PCB placing offers wide possibilities of usage. Selected types in bigger amounts in stock.
As an expression of support for the presidency of Netherlands in Council of the European Union, SOS electronic extends its stock by orange connectors.
If you need to attach PCB or enclosure, Eurclamp DIN rail clip will solve it!
Of course it can, even apeak. So if you connect leads from the bottom side via a PCB connector, you don´t have to worry about the current...
Without problems and directly at connecting a device. How? With a new Euroclamp MPF03 terminal block with integrated fuse holder.
Modified connector Euroclamp SHM-F is simply more robust. Thanks to this change, it provides a higher reliability and more space ...
Double PCB terminal blocks of the PDSV series enable to better utilize a space and to connect more leads on a small area.
PCB terminal blocks series MVS15x-IT from Euroclamp provide an added value in the form of an easy connection of wire leads even in tight conditions. Thanks to a construction slanted in 35°, they fit exactly into conditions, where horizontal, neither vertical terminal blocks aren´t the right solution.