"Whoever is not present at Electronica in Munich, it is as if he has ceased to exist," says Marek Malík, manager of the German sales department of SOS electronic.
"I saw the exhibition area for the first time, and I must say that I felt amazed by its size and diversity of stands," admits Gabriela Hricová, SOS electronic's international trade officer.

You could meet SOS electronic as a co-exhibitor directly at the stand of its parent company Conrad Electronic. This exhibition is held regularly, but only every even year. This means we will meet each other on this spectacular event only in 2024. We asked our colleagues who recently experienced the exhibition what pops in their minds when they hear the phrase Electronica Munich 2022.
"More than 20,000 steps per day, 17 personal meetings, dozens of exhibition stands visited and workload until late at night. It was an amazing opportunity for me to get to learn even more about what our daily work actually is. Personal meetings with our business partners, drawing on an endless number of inspirations and strengthening relationships, on which our long-term partnership is built. The opportunities offered by the world of technology are endless. All you need to do is be interested and keep your eyes open. And that applies many times over to an exhibition like Electronica in Munich," says Jozef Verbovský, manager of the SOS electronic marketing department.
The international exhibition Electronica Munich has long been the most prestigious exhibition in its field.
It attracts thousands of visitors and exhibitors every other year to its 14 halls full of manufacturers and distributors from all over the world.
"If I look at it as a patriot and Slovak, even before entering the hall I already had a good impression that our Slovak flag was flying there. If I look at the exhibition as a businessman, I am amazed by the number of countries that are taking part. It is important to me that they are all in one place," recalls Marek Malík, manager of the German sales department.

Viac ako 64 % vystavovateľov boli zahraničné spoločnosti, tzn. nie nemecké. Produkty a najnovšie technologické zariadenia umiestnené v stánkoch lákali návštevníkov vyskúšať, ako sa ovládajú. Otestovať si ich kľúčové vlastnosti a získať rôznorodé informácie od odborníkov osobne je jedinečná príležitosť. Posledný ročník bol zameraný na automobilové, vstavané, polovodičové a bezdrôtové – sieťové startupy v tomto odvetví. Tejto téme boli venované aj konferenčné programy.
The importance of the Electronica Munich exhibition as seen by experts
"E-mobility was promoted on every corner. It concerned the area of components (connectors, power supply, ...), control PCBs or also ready-made solutions. Many manufacturers brought electric motorcycles or even entire passenger cars to their stands," says Ján Michalko, international sales manager of SOS electronic.
"For me, as a businessman, this is the place where I can meet the customer and the supplier directly and we can easily agree on things that usually take weeks and months if we discuss them only over the phone and e-mail. And overall, it's a friendlier atmosphere. I can also meet my competition there and I can get a picture of them. Of course, the overall presentation of the company can also be read 'between the lines', i.e. from the design of the stand, from the behaviour of the people at the stand, from the welcome, but also during the presentation of new products, etc.
I see this as a benefit for the entire company. Meetings with our suppliers - agreements that will be concluded by our purchasing department and contacts with them, but also contacts with our parent company Conrad," says Marek Malík, manager of the German sales department at SOS electronic.

After the exhibitions, we often chat with many of our colleagues. This time we were also interested in why the Electronica exhibition in Munich is so unique. Ján Michalko, international sales manager of SOS electronic, provided a very good explanation for this:
"An exhibition like this offers customers – whether it’s a developer, buyer, owner, or decision maker - the opportunity in a short time and in one place to obtain information and knowledge from the point of view of the development of technologies, products, markets, trends and to find new potential customers and suppliers. There is an opportunity for everyone to compare the achieved results with the competition and learn how they are perceived among their partners and how they see themselves and their development in the upcoming months."
We asked the last question to Ján Seszták, CEO of SOS electronic. His accurate answer piqued our curiosity even more and may inspire you too. Which moment from the exhibition in Munich stuck in your memory?
"Which moment? Probably the one when I realized that SOS electronic is already a well-known company in the world. A nice lady from the competing company RS components, with whom we have practically nothing in business, said to me: 'You are our competitor after all.'
This assured me that we have grown and the designation of a multinational company is appropriate.
I was stopped by various acquaintances while walking through the exhibition.
So I continue to believe that if we do our work well, with enthusiasm and actively, our possibilities to grow further are still huge."
Everybody in SOS electronic is looking forward to the next Electronica 2024 exhibition and the opportunity to learn about new trends and innovations in the field of industry and technology. If you would like to meet with us outside the exhibition or have other questions, feel free to contact us. You can use the form below the article. We will be happy to contact you over the phone or e-mail.
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