Ord.number: | 57731 |
Category: | Standard Audio-Video Cables |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Related / complementary products: | Show |
Category: | Standard Audio-Video Cables |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Related / complementary products: | Show |
Najmodernejší spôsob prepojenia obrazových signálov dvoch zariadení v digitálnej kvalite 1080p. Najčastejšie využitie je na prepojenie televízneho prijímača s DVD prehrávačom, satelitným prijímačom, PC alebo iným podobným zariadením. Dĺžka šnúry 2,0m.
HDMI Adapter HDMI F A / HDMI M C (miniHDMI) Au-plated
Traco Power’s latest POL switching regulators offer more than just impressive efficiency and reliable performance. They’re also designed to help you cut material and manufacturing costs.
A cleaner that removes grease, oils, dirt, blood, nicotine, food residues, and other tough stains from any washable surface can still be safe for both your equipment and the environment.