From power semiconductors (e.g.MOSFET), the drain-source ON resistance Rds_on increases with rising temperature, which results in increased power dissipation. If the cooling system cannot dissipate generated heat to the environment, the temperature rises, causing the Rds_on increase again. This process escalates and ultimately leads to the destruction of the component.
Schurter offers a solution in the form of non-resettable SMD thermal fuses RTS-AS500 with an integrated shunt resistor and RTS-AC100 without it. When fuse temperature reaches the 210℃ threshold, it breaks the circuit.
RTS-AS500 has cold resistance 500 to 580 uOhm and TCR~1000ppm/℃, while RTS-AC100 offers 90 to 110uOhm and TCR~4000ppm/℃. Thanks to the lower TCR, the shunt version allows measurement of current flowing through the fuse, and the electronics can switch off the endangered components.
If everything fails, the thermal fuse as the final authority breaks the circuit. The fuse is mechanically activated after soldering, so there is no risk of the fuse blowing during reflow soldering.
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Reflowable Thermal Switch (RTS) from Schurter protects highly integrated power electronics from overheating, such as those used in the automotive, medical and many other industries.
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