TCP/IP solutions from company Wiznet are known by its resistance resulting already from their principle . all the solution is hardware-based, thus it´s not possible to change a basic functionality of a device (flooding, spoofing, ...). W5500 outstands by its “modesty” - it only requires a few GPIO pins of a host MCU – thanks to a high speed SPI interface (up to 80 MHz) and it also has a very low power consumption. A result of a small consumption is, that the chip heats up to approx. 40´C at a common operation, in contrast to other similar chips, which usually have 60-70´C at operation. This naturally means a higher reliability, possibility of a more dense placing of components and elimination of problems with overheating of a device built-in into a small enclosure.
Energy saving is also enhanced by Power Down and Wake-on-LAN (over UDP) modes. Single 3,3V are enough for power supply, while inputs are 5V tolerant. Status is indicated on LED outputs (full/half duplex, link speed, active) and the chip contains a built-in OS Linux (kernel 2.4.xx, 2.6.xx, 3.1,xx) & RTOS driver.
In our offer can be found the W5500 chip itself W5500-EVB evaluation board, as well as a ready-made module WIZ550S2E-TTL or WIZ550io. Examples of a real usage of Wiznet chips can be found in the document Wiznet application reference.
In case of interest, please contact us at

- supports „Hardwired“ TCP/IP protocols : TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4, ARP, IGMP, PPPoE
- supports 8 independent „sockets“ simultaneously
- Power down mode, Wake on LAN over UDP
- High Speed Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI MODE 0, 3)
- internal memory 32Kb for TX/RX buffer
- 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY embedded
- 3.3V pwr supply, I/O signals pins 5V tolerant
- LED outputs (Full/Half duplex, Link, Speed, Active)
- 48 Pin LQFP (7x7mm, 0.5mm pitch)
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What´s the typical supply current of the W5500 chip at ordinary operation?