Same HW Platform, Same SW Scheme
Although the existing S2E modules were used in various fields, they were based on different MCU platforms; and thus different configuration tools & configuration messages for setting had to be used, and moreover, it also resulted in complicated technical support. To minimize complications, Wiznet standardized the command sets and used the same software module for the new WIZ750SR & WIZ752SR series.
Pin-to-pin replacement, common and enhanced configuration
For the new WIZ750 & 752 series, WIZNET also released a CLI (CommandLineInterface) based configuration tool because they registered some complaints about the GUI configuration tool, which runs only on Windows OS. The new config tool is implemented in Python and can operate on any OS that Python can run on. Batch tasks can be performed from now on.
It is easy to understand the product name by looking at two parts; first part is the ‘category’ and the second part is the ‘compatible product’. Let’s have a look at the below examples.
Ex1.) WIZ '750' SR - '100'
● Category: 1 port serial products are 750
● Compatible product: 100 means it is pin-to-pin compatible with WIZ100SR
Ex2.) WIZ '752' SR - '120'
● Category: 2 port serial products are 752
● Compatible product: 120 means it is pin-to-pin compatible with WIZ120SR

Manufacturer's services when modifying HW or SW
Wiznet´s new S2E modules support various serial interfaces: 3.3V TTL signal, RS-232 / 422 / 485 and the manufacturer provides hardware customizing service upon review.
Developers from WIZNET also posted the firmware source codes on their Github page. You can download and customize source codes according to your own needs, or you can request SW modification directly from WIZnet.
Products of WIZ750 and WIZ752 series are not available at the moment; we will inform you about the availability soon.
If you are interested in any of Wiznet products, or you need more information, we are ready to help at
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