Ord.number: | 7766 |
Category: | 2-core Power Cords |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Category: | 2-core Power Cords |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Univerzálna napájacia sieťová šnúra v čiernej farbe. Používa sa hlavne na napájanie audio zariadení, hifi veží, nabíjačiek, zdrojov a zariadení s menším odoberaným výkonom. Použitý kábel 2x 0,75mm2 je vhodný pre použitie maximálne do 250Vac/2,5A. Dĺžka šnúry 1,75m.
Traco Power’s latest POL switching regulators offer more than just impressive efficiency and reliable performance. They’re also designed to help you cut material and manufacturing costs.
A cleaner that removes grease, oils, dirt, blood, nicotine, food residues, and other tough stains from any washable surface can still be safe for both your equipment and the environment.