As we know „embedded module“ is a quite wide term and it can represent a powerful microcomputer with OS, but it can also be a significantly simpler module with a microcontroller and peripherals, still able to add considerable functionality to a target device.
Typical representatives of useful modules, which add a lot - without big costs are so called quick start modules from company Embedded Artists. Their contribution is in a ready-made „tuned up“ PCB containing for example in case of module LPC4088 QuickStart Board (EA-QSB-016) the microcontroller itself (Cortex- M4), memory, display controller and many interfaces like Ethernet, USB, UART, SPI, CAN, PWM, Analog In/Out, I2C, XBee compatible connector and other.
Especially at low and mid-volume production batches their contribution is mainly in the fact, that it is a really proven solution with a guaranteed operating temperatures range, proper ESD protection and mainly - supported by a wide scale of development tools (free). In case of solving of problems, it´s still possible to contact customer support of company and a lot of hints for successful usage, source codes and libraries can be found directly on the producer´s website.
Module LPC4088 isn´t only a “board with components”. It is a powerful module characteristic by these features:

● online compiler
● USB drag-n-drop programming
● CMSIS-DAP debug programming
● bridge UART/USB
In the production portfolio of company Embedded Artists can be found a lot of useful modules. In case of interest in any module of this company, please contact us at
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Competition with the following question has been published here:
What´s the maximum working frequency of the microcontroller used in this module?