Company Voipac was founded in 1996 and it gradually worked way up to a producer of high quality single board computers, fully comparable with products of other world-class companies. These are industrial single board computers (SBC) of miniature dimensions – classic SODIMM memory size. Company produces its products by strict quality criterias and its so far products were succesfully applied in many customer devices in various industry segments. Typical segments of usage are for example: GSM devices, net devices LAN and WLAN, switches, hubs, dataloggers, production control and supervisory systems, authorisation systems, navigation systems, display terminals and many more.

These computers belong to the group of so called COM - Computer On Module, sometimes called also SOM - System On Module. Inspite of that such a mini computer is a powerful computer, it has a low power consumption, maximum few Watts, thus passive cooling is sufficient. They are defaultly delivered with a free pre-installed OS Linux 2.6, or Android Gingerbread 2.3 according to a customer's wish. In a near future, they will support also a WinCE 6.0.
Using these COMs in your device, you can significantly shorten development time of a new device, save direct costs for development and thanks to a powerful OS you can add a functionality, which would otherwise demand an extensive SW and HW development for a microcontroller, or usage of a specialised embedded computer. Usage of such computer can also reduce main PCB production costs, as the module is on its own 8-10 layer PCB, thus a mainboard of your device can have an arbitrary structure. In praxis, usage of these COM computers is effective for production batches from several pieces to thousands of pieces.
Computer´s processor supports many interfaces like: MMC / SD / microSD, UART, high speed USB2.0 OTG / Host, I2C, configurable 4 wire touch panel, camera and video, CAN, Power managment a many others. Further, modules are equipped with a 100Mbit ethernet chip and JTAG interface, which makes SW debaugging significantly easier. Modules are defaultly delivered in 3 HW configurations, and already at over 10 pcs purchase it is possible to agree other configuration without any surcharge. For batches exceeding 100 pcs, producer provides free service of the customer's own boot loader preloading. Main module´s processor belongs to a group of chips included in the "Freescale Product Longevity Program" that guarantees a minimum availability period of 15 years for the automotive and medical segments, and 10 years for all other market segments. Convenient is also an alternative in products of producer Ka-Ro electronics – module i.MX25 is compatible with a module TX25. At this time, most perspective are mini computers i.MX25 and an i.MX51 will be available soon.
For a development simplification, Voipac offers development kit i.MX25 and a TFT touch panel. Development baseboard is design in such a way, that besides a lot of connectors and interfaces, there is a direct access to all 200 pins of SODIMM connector. Asset is, that Voipac delivers in a printed form complete schematics and PCBs from Altium to every complete development kit. Company VOIPAC provides a wide support in a form of 1 respective 3-month support and in downloadable files in binary as well as source form. At smaller production batches, it can be an advantage, that Voipac can deliver you some harder to find components and connectors for use in a target device.
- powerful PC with OS
- addition of an extensive functionality to your device
- minimalization of development costs
- low power consumption, passive cooling
- easy implementation into the target device
- complete HW documentation including schematics and PCB
- producer provides a wide support
- convenient price
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