Choose a useful gift or maybe a profitable investment. We have several new, but also proven gift ideas on measuring devices, power supplies, and useful tools or development kits for you and your workplace.
For us, technicians, a reliable measuring device is a must-have. A quality multimeter saves time, and FLUKE is a TOP choice.
Thanks to their high reliability and excellent price/performance ratio, UNI-T multimeters are bestsellers among measuring devices. Twelve new generation products can be found directly in our stock offer.
You have certainly already come across a submetering and it maybe also saved you quite a lot. Or the other way around? Was your measurement not accurate? To what extent are the sub-meters in IoT accurate? We tested and verified it with AppliedPrecision.
Hand multimeter/ datalogger with 60 000 counts, high precision, comprehensive graphic full-colour display and with the possibility to connect to a PC or a smartphone – that´s the UT 181 A.
The lowest possible energy consumption or TLD function. Middle and Professional series of multi-meters handle this hands down.
VC-400 E - robust and resistant device serving under any weather conditions. Everything else is sufficient for the VC-100.