BF245, a JFET transistor produced for many decades by several companies, has joined the list of discontinued components. However an equivalent replacement exists in an SMT package and its name is BF545.
SMT components are still more used even in small production batches. That´s why in our portfolio, many components can be found in both versions - THT (through-hole technology) and also SMT.
Company FTDI released drivers form ARM processors compiled for Linux OS, enabling to Access FTDI USB devices thus expanding I/O ports in various applications with ARM processors.
Atmel semiconductors have earned a big popularity all over the world. That´s why in our portfolio can be found a lot of standard stock types and upon request, we´re able to supply you with virtually any Atmel component.
Compact RFID modules ID12 and ID20 can be marked by right as simple to use and reliable RFID components working with 125 kHz frequency.
After a big response on the CL20M45 current limiting diode, we decided to add the type CL40M45 with a double nominal current. That´s why you´re free to choose from 2 types, and thus add a bigger variability to your LED applications.
Carbon dioxide concentration in a closed room increases very quickly. With the Figaro CDM4161a calibrated module it can be checked simply and reliably.
Isolated offline-flyback controller LT3799 enables to create a powerful LED driver with a minimum of external components, which is moreover compatible with common triac dimmers.
Gases like hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are dangerous gases, which however can be easily detected.
USB solutions specialist Future Technology Devices International Limited - FTDI, celebrates in these days the 20-th anniversary of its founding.
X-chip USB series from FTDI brings even higher functionality on a chip, including battery charging detection. Speeds-up development, saves space and decreases power consumption.
FTDI Expands Vinculum-II Precompiled Firmware & Source Code Offering, enabling a substantial shortening of development time.