Small medical devices need small and efficient power supplies. The TRACO TPP15A-D series of open-frame power supplies meet the demanding safety requirements for BF medical equipment such as blood pressure monitors, incubators and ultrasound devices.
The connector mount external LTE antenna, 2J0B24, was designed to improve signal strength allowing uninterrupted connectivity, better signal quality, and reliability while providing increased data throughput.
In addition to lower operating noise and high pressures, the DV6224 / 17P-00240 diagonal fan also offers PWM input for speed control and Alarm signal at a price even more advantageous than the standard model.
New 1552 series is ideal for the design of various wireless and also wired hand-held controllers for different controlling purposes. There are two colours and six sizes to choose from, plus a wealth of accessories.
The xPico 200 family of Lantronix WiFi modules is a reliable solution for wireless communication requiring a robust connection, advanced data security, easy integration and thus reduced costs for the overall industrial IoT solution.
AC and DC current measurement with a truly exceptional feature - removable jaws for easy access to measured wires and comfortable monitoring of the display even in extremely tight spaces.
The newest issue of SOSnews 1/2020 is already in electronic form on our website. Please take a look.
Our e-shop allows setting of 3 different levels of rights for individual users. You can choose whether your colleagues should have access to invoices, orders, or whether they can order goods on behalf of your company.
Our assortment has expended by yet another high-quality single port MagJack from Bel. It is a popular classic from the wide range of basic types of Ethernet modules with RJ45 connector.
Take heart and don’t get discouraged by falsely measured data. With the help of a very simple calibration of an industrial thermometer, you can also reliably measure the body temperature of the human body.
A loudspeaker without a membrane that can be mounted on any flat surface solves aesthetical and technical problems.
The FM31256 integrates F-RAM memory with the most commonly needed functions for microcontroller-based systems: real-time clock, VDD supervisor, watchdog timer, two event counters, a lockable memory area for the 64-bit serial number, and general-purpose comparator.