Intelligent houses, data transfer, remote switching of lighting, these are only few examples of usage of modern technology called IQRF. A wireless data transfer usable for example to control various devices, can be in general reached by four basic ways:
1) RF chip, microcontroller, development of your own SW
2) RF module
3) RF module with an operating system
4) RF module with an intelligent super-structure (layer)
Time and knowledge necessary to reach a final product at above-mentioned ways are illustrated in the following pictures:
The IQRF technology enables to use third and fourth from the above-mentioned possibilities. Probably the most interesting is the 4-th alternative, which is practically immediately usable with a minimal effort by means of a so called PDA protocol (Direct Peripheral Addressing). DPA is a protocol enabling to create, control and modify even large wired and wireless networks and bi-direct data transfer without a (classic) programming. DPA protocol consists of 4 bytes (3+1) containing an address in a network (NAdr), peripheral number (PNum), a command specific for a given periphery (PCmd) - for example switching of an LED and alternatively also the 4-th byte - data (up to 58 bytes/1 packet). For various peripherals, it is possible to define a so called Hardware profile (HWP), which translates a given DPA packet to a specific action of a given device (for example after pressing a push-button a packet will be sent to a destination device with information to switch on the light).
The basis of the whole IQRF system is the miniature RF transceiver modules working on the 868 MHz frequency (alternatively 916 MHz) with an ultra low power consumption and adjustable RF power. All setting and routing of the IQMESH network runs automatically, literally by “one click” and the data transfer itself functions on the principle of transmission from one module to another, until the given information reaches a destination transceiver (Node).
Detailed information can be found in the forthcoming SOS webinar about the IQRF , in the documents IQRF_Technical_Guide, IQMESH and on the website.
In case of interest, please contact us at
- intelligent RF modules for a bidirectional data transfer, controlling, …
- working in 868 MHz(EU)/ 916 MHz (US) free band, range up to 700m
- in praxis proven technology
- modules contain own OS
- very easy mesh network routing
- high reliability and robustness of a network and of a data transfer
- possibility to select an RF power
- extremely low power consumption
- miniature dimensions
- very competitive price of transceiver modules
- extremely simple usage by means of a DPA protocol (direct peripheral addressing)
- bitrate 19,2 kb/s (soon also higher)
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