Our company is constantly growing thanks to you and your trust. We know it and we are sending you one big "THANK YOU" in the form of PREMIUM loyalty program.
At the end of February 2019, plan your trip to Nuremberg. The embedded world exhibition & Conference starts on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.
The question was answered during the workshop organized by SOS electronic, Microsoft Slovakia and AAEON. It is easy.
Year 2018 was marked by success. SOS electronic received the Best Distributor 2018 award.
We remain true to our motto - Supplier of Solution.
We were planning, organizing and in the end, everything came off best also thanks to you.
The newest issue of SOSnews 2/2018 is already in electronic form on our website in 4 languages. Please take a look.
The stress before press conferences with journalists has long vanished. All missed flights and taxis finally arrived at the destination. The vocal cords are recovering and the feet stop hurting. The Electronica exhibition is officially over!
We organised a series of workshops about the Android Things system and processor modules TechNexion . In Brno and also in Bratislava we tested how simple it is to create a graphic user interface, for example access point for the attendance system.
We have gone through a lot of conversations with great people from our field and enthusiastic students from the electro-technical field during the successful Profesia Days career event in Slovakia.
Why leave it to the machines and their intelligence? Do you like sci-fi? If you do, let’s look into our not-so-distant future together. Future, where "learning and thinking machines" make it easier for us to do our work, or perform it completely for us. This article will be interesting for you even if you don’t really like sci-fi.
What does Machine learning mean for a layman? Maybe you already heard about it, maybe not or maybe you just do not understand it completely and you would welcome another view on it without feeling that you are reading scripts full of theory and unknown. Hopefully this article will be of interest to you.