Ord.number: | 344213 |
Category: | Gas Sensors |
Product info: | Unavailable |
OBSOLETE - Manufacturer stopped production | |
Manufacturer (Brand): | SENSIRION |
Alternative components: | Show |
Development tools: | Show |
Alternative components: STC31-C-R3
Category: | Gas Sensors |
Product info: | Unavailable |
OBSOLETE - Manufacturer stopped production | |
Manufacturer (Brand): | SENSIRION |
Alternative components: | Show |
Development tools: | Show |
Alternative components: STC31-C-R3
Thermal Conductivity Sensor Calibrated for Air, N2 + CO2 mixture
Embedded Evaluation Board Based on RA4M1 Microprocessor 68,85x53,34mm
Maker Boards for Development, Testing or Learning
Evaluation Board RA4M1 Microprocessor + ESP32-S368, 85x53,34mm
Maker Boards for Development, Testing or Learning
STC31 and SHTC3 on FPC with Cable for SEK SensorBridge
ATmega328P Arduino Uno R3 AVR MCU 8-Bit Embedded Evaluation Board
Maker Boards for Development, Testing or Learning
The STS4L temperature sensor is the latest addition to the STS4x family. It offers a 20% cost reduction compared to the STS40-AD1B sensor, with only a slight compromise in accuracy. Its low power consumption of 0.4 µA and wide supply voltage range of 1.08 to 3.6 V make it an ideal choice for battery-powered applications.
Sensirion's innovative STC31-C and STCC4 sensors measure thermal conductivity, calculating gas concentration based on that data. They are suitable for both indoor environments and controlled atmospheres.