Category: | Energy Consumptions Meters |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Ord.number: | 76514 |
Category: | Energy Consumptions Meters |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Category: | Energy Consumptions Meters |
Product info: | Unavailable |
Manufacturer (Brand): | VARIOUS |
Meria spotrebu elektrickej energie s výpočtom celkovej spotreby (kWh), celkových nákladov a dobou prevádzky zariadenia. Na displeji je možné zobraziť tieto veličiny: výkon (W) max.3680W, napätie (V), frekvencia (Hz) a prúd (A). Údaje sa zaznamenávajú do pamäte prístroja ktoré sú zálohované ešte 30dní po odpojení zariadenia zo siete. Rozmery: 125x65x35mm
Need a high-precision GNSS module that fits even the most space-constrained designs? The Quectel LC86L delivers ultra-accurate positioning and seamless integration, making it perfect for a wide range of IoT and industrial applications.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 02/2025.
Get durable and precise marking, improved efficiency, reduced error rate, and a professional look for your product with laser-marked terminal blocks directly from the manufacturer.