You are with us for 22 years. During that time SOS electronic has become a strong international company. However, to be able to continue in such growth at even faster pace, we needed a strong partner.
Conrad joined SOS electronic not only as an investor but mainly as a partner...
Probably all of you know the brand Conrad electronic as the best known seller of components as well as products from the area of electronics in B2C segment, i.e. for end customers. What is less known is that this company is building a new division, Conrad Business supplies, as a part serving industrial customer segment (B2B) from the development through the supplies, to the production, as well as service and measuring.
SOS electronic’s focus on industrial customers remains the same. The acquisition occurred also because we wanted to help build a new customer segment of Conrad group - industrial customers.Holger Ruban, director of Conrad Business supplies, comments on the acquisition: „The Conrad Group will benefit from SOS electronic’s 22 years experience with industrial customers. People from SOS bring us valuable know-how which we can use together in the field of marketing, purchasing and sales for our strategy of building a new customer's segment.“
What will nevertheless change?
You can expect that thanks to strategic partnership we will get:
- big opportunities to expand our product portfolio and our stock
- he power of a large corporation for obtaining better purchasing conditions, which YOU will in short time benefit from
- new opportunities to make our successful services better (Pizza workshops, SOS webinars, PREMIUM loyalty program, SOS news, ...),
And our commitment and pace at which we will adapt to new trends and your requirements will increase.

After summer you can expect new projects which will help you in your "electronic" business! Everyone in our team is excited about new opportunities that our partnership with Conrad brings.
- big opportunities to expand our product portfolio and our stock
- new opportunities to make our successful services better (Pizza workshops, SOS webinars, PREMIUM loyalty program, SOS news, ...),
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