Myrra 47xxx SMPS overcome supersedes classic transformers by an overall efficiency, power as well as by a standby power consumption. With the same pinout as 1W EI30 transformers, it provides a 5W power, or up to 5,4W at some models. All this for the price comparable with a classic solution, but with smaller dimensions, without any additional components and without problems with cooling. Next to basic features represented to you in a separate article Switching power supply from Myrra already available on the stock. Try it!, we bring you a more detailed description of particular versions.
There are 4 main groups available:
● 2,5 and 5W with 1 regulated output, with 3,3 to 24V output voltage
● 3,2 and 5W (5,4W) with 1 non-regulated output, with 9 to 24V output voltage
● 3 to 5W with 2 regulated outputs with common “0” terminal
● 3 to 5 w with 2 isolated outputs. Only output no.1 is regulated and from this output it´s possible to take more power than from the output no. 2
In case of interest even in non-stock types, please contact us at

1 output, non-regulated

2 regulated outputs with a common „0" pole

2 isolated outputs, only output 1 is regulated

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