L'image sert uniquement d’exemple. Veuillez consulter les spécifications techniques dans la description détaillée du produit.
N° de commande: | 221158 |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Quantités possibles: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Catégorie : | Uno Volta training modules |
Infos sur le produit: | Sur demande |
Fabricant (marque): | VARIOLAB |
MOQ: | 1 pcs |
Quantités possibles: | 1 pcs (1, 2, 3 ... pcs) |
Catégorie : | Uno Volta training modules |
Infos sur le produit: | Sur demande |
Fabricant (marque): | VARIOLAB |
Uno Volta is a complex system of panels and tasks that is designed and developed to facilitate, accelerate and deepen the understanding and practice of a wide range of tasks in electrical engineering - from wiring principles and coming up with the correct wiring to detecting faults in circuits. Each of the panels is focused on a certain issue, but the individual panels can complement each other and thus create a more extensive connection.