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How to install a related USB driver and WYSIWYG tool "uniTFTDesigner" for Windows? Watch the unboxing video created directly by Display Vision.

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Videa výrobce

Electronic Assembly - uniTFTDesigner

Electronic Assembly - uniTFTDesigner

The WYSIWYG tool for Windows is specially adapted to the possibilities of the uniTFTs display series from Electronic Assembly / Display Visions. The video shows the advantages and the basics of working with this user-friendly graphic tool.

EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

The uniTFTs series from Electronic Assembly offers perfect readability both outside and inside. It is perfect for an outdoor application with the direct sunlight or in a very bright environment in the operating theatre, at the dentist, in the photo studio etc.

Electronic Assembly - uniTFT

Electronic Assembly - uniTFT

New family of powerful intelligent displays from Electronic Assembly with several interfaces and intuitive programming.

SOS Webinar - How to choose the right display for your application

SOS Webinar - How to choose the right display for your application

Do you know how to choose right display? Which type to use for what environment? What interface is better to use? Touch panel or not? See our video...

Electronic Assembly on Embedded World 2013

Electronic Assembly on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from Electronic Assembly - LCD, Chip-On-Glass (COG) and OLED displays and intelligent TFT modules. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/elecronic-assembly

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