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WIZNET - SOS Webinar: Internet of Things by one chip

„Hardwired TCP/IP“ instead of a software solution? The result is higher performance and reliability. This time the webinar is focused on TCP/IP chips and modules from Wiznet.

Programme of webinar:
- WIZnet company and short core tech. introduction
- "Serial-to-Ethernet" and „Serial-to-(serial) WiFi by WIZnet chips and modules
- Live presentation and hand on demo how-to-start and - use new S2E-modules
- Q&A

Videa výrobce

WIZnet WizFi360 EVB Mini

WIZnet WizFi360 EVB Mini

All you need for setting up WizFi360-EVB-Mini with Arduino IDE, connecting to Wi-Fi AP and running as TCP Client in a quick start guide tutorial from WIZnet.

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

The demanding "deep dive" training for serial port experts was held on September 5, 2018. If you could not attend, we offer you a recording.

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Here you can find a brief overview of the WIZ750SR series, its practical operation and a few valuable pieces of advice and tips on how to work with S2E (Serial to Ethernet) converters.

Connecting the WIZnet W7500 board to cloud

Connecting the WIZnet W7500 board to cloud

Example of possible cloud solution

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

WIZ550web: - Webserver internals - how to use it for remote control - how to customize - show "unattackable" and performance in a comparison to a software Webserver WIZ550S2E: - show and introducing to usage - WizFi250 -wireless serial-to-ethernet module

WIZnet on Embedded World 2013

WIZnet on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from WIZnet - Hardwired TCP/IP Embedded Ethernet Modules and Controllers, WiFi and Webserver modules. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/wiznet

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